Tier 2 Page

Let’s break it down first. What is this, what do I have to do, is there any guarantee of publication,

This is a service to suggest literary magazines based on my decade and a half of researching the field and my time serving on the editorial board of three journals. All you have to do is fill out the linked form/s and I’ll email you back within a week (or sooner) with a suggestion of eight literary publications that I think you might have success submitting to. There are no guarantees of publication at all. The only guarantee is that I will take the recommendation seriously and I will do my darnedest to help you find magazines that you’ll enjoy reading even if they don’t accept your writing.

What is it going to cost me and how do I pay?

The cost for Tier 2 is just $5 (plus any add-ons chosen). If you’re happy with the service any amount of tip is greatly appreciated but no pressure. To pay click the donate button below (right above the forms). The first required question is for the paypal donation #, so be sure to start with that, copy the transaction # from the confirmation.

What were those add-ons again?

48 hour response | + $2 to total (refers to first round for T3)
24 hour response | + $5 to total (refers to first round for T3)
Rejection Anxiety counselling | +$2 to total
(requires Rejection Anxiety form, aimed to help quell anxiety over having your writing ‘rejected’)
Cover Letter consultation | +$2 to total
(requires Cover Letter form)
Author’s Bio consultation | +$2 to total
(requires Author Bio Consultation form)

OK, so now that you have an idea of what services you want, add those up, $5+___=___. Now click the ‘donate link’ and make a transaction for that amount. When you get confirmation there will be a Transaction ID, copy that number and paste it into the first answer space of the Tier 1 survey. To make a tip use the same button.


Tier 2 Survey
Cover Letter Consultation
Author’s Bio Consultation
Rejection Anxiety Counselling Survey